
Diocesan Council visit to Mexico Mission

01-Feb-2025 00:00:00

Visit to Mexico mission field “Colonia Mar Thoma” at Matamoros. Dedication the computer center & Library

Diocesan Council visit to Mexico Mission Our Diocesan Episcopa Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulose and the council members visited Mexico mission field “Colonia Mar Thoma” at Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico on January 17, 2025. The Diocesan Sevika Sangham leaders, Southwest Regional activity Center (RAC) representatives, and Mexico mission committee members accompanied Thirumeni and the council members. Thirumeni dedicated the computer center & Library (San Tomás Mar Thoma Centro de Computación y Biblioteca), donated by the Greater Seattle Mar Thoma Church. The children demonstrated their computer grasp to Thirumeni and the council members. Thirumeni blessed three Colonia Mar Thoma houses, renovated by the council members, Sevika Sangham and Southwest RAC, respectively. Thirumeni Inaugurated the “light to Life Mexico” program. This program will focus on the nutrition, education, and the spiritual development of twenty-one children living at the Colonia Mar Thoma. Thirumeni and the council members spent the day interacting with the Colonia Mar Thoma residents. Thirumeni and the council joined in a community lunch for the residents.