Sadhu Kochukunju Upadeshi Memorial Annual Lecture Series –2024.
The Sadhu Kochukunju Upadeshi Memorial Annual Lecture Series—2024 was conducted om May, 11, 2024 at the South Florida Mar Thoma Church, Davie, Fort Lauderdale. The meeting was hosted by the Senior Citizens Fellowship of the church and presided by Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos, Diocesan Bishop of the North American Diocese of the Mar Thoma Church. After a brief introduction by the Convenor of the program, Prof. Philip koshi, the Parish Vicar, Rev. Dr. Jacob George welcomed the distinguished guests. The Bishop recalled that the Sadhu continues to live among us, especially through his edifying songs. The keynote Speaker was Rev. Dr. Moni Mathew, retired senior cleric of the Marthoma Church. The theme was—Christian Compassion. He recalled that the Sadhu had great compassion on his fellow men, in keeping with the biblical teachings. He ended his hour long lecture by saying that “ the church must be a body of compassionate people and must cultivate compassion for a dying world”. The Lecture Series, in the name of the Sadhu is arguably the world’s first one of its kind. A large number of people from different parts of the state of Florida attended this unique meeting. Clerics from the Orthodox and other churches too were present to grace the occasion. A special segment was the narration by 3 elder citizens----Encounter with the Sadhu( Njan Kanda, ketta, Sadhu). There was also a felicitation video message by Anish Benjamin Moothampackal, great grandson of the Sadhu. The Senior Choir of the church rendered 2 songs written by the Sadhu. The Vote of Thanks was given by Mr. Oommen Samuel, Secretary, Senior Fellowship. The meeting was followed by a Fellowship Lunch. It was indeed a blessed experience for all who participated in this event.