
MTVEA South East Region Retreat


MTVEA South East Region Retreat

Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists Association Southeast Region Retreat was held successfully on August 17, 2024 at the Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington. The meeting began with an opening prayer by Rev. Joel Samuel Thomas of MTCGW. Rev. Mathew Varghese, Mar Thoma Church of New Jersey, who is the president of MTVEA Southeast Region presided. Mr. varghese K. Joseph, secretary of the MTVEA Southeast Region welcomed the gathering. Bible Lessons were read by Mr. Varkey Koshy and Mrs. Sosamma Philip. The devotional message was delivered by Rev. Niju Thomas, Vicar of Christos Mar Thoma Church. The choir sang songs. A special song commemorating the centenary of MTVEA was sung by the 47 member group from Mar Thoma Church Philadelphia.
Prof. Elias Abraham led the intercessory prayer, after which two persons prayed. Mr. George Philip, parish mission secretary of GWMTC said the vote of thanks. About 170 persons from 11 Mar Thoma Parishes attended the blessed retreat. After the closing prayer by Rev. Santhosh John and benediction by Rev. Biju P. Simon the meeting came to an end by 1PM.

Varghese K. Joseph
Secretary, MTVEA Southeast Region